9 ℃

It started 18 years ago with the UAE leadership’s pioneering vision to diversify the economy and address global sustainability challenges

CANLI TV / 14.11.2024 13:10

It started 18 years ago with the UAE leadership’s pioneering vision to diversify the economy and address global sustainability challenges

Today, Masdar is one of the world’s largest renewable energy companies, using innovation and partnership to drive the net-zero transition. With projects across 40 countries, Masdar is delivering more than 20 GW of renewable energy – enough to power over 5.25 million homes. Our global investment portfolio exceeds US$30 billion across six continents. In some cases, our projects are bringing continuous electricity to places where there was none.

Our founding CEO and current Chairman, HE Dr Sultan Al Jaber, a pioneer of clean energy, has been appointed as President-Designate of the UN climate change conference COP28 to be held in the UAE in 2023.

As the UAE’s flagship renewable energy company, Masdar helped to develop the Middle East’s first concentrated solar power plant in 2013 in Abu Dhabi. Over the past decade, the Shams solar power plant has displaced 1.75 million tonnes of carbon emissions, the equivalent of removing 150,000 cars from the streets or planting 15 million trees.

Since then, Masdar has developed life-changing renewable energy projects around the globe and achieved many world firsts. To view our full portfolio, clickhere.

Our work in the UAE and globally is testament to the country’s long-term commitment to decarbonization. The UAE was the first nation in the region to sign the Paris Agreement, and the first to set a strategic pathway to Net Zero by 2050.

Through hard work and a pioneering spirit

Masdar’s first-mover approach means we are open to opportunities for partnerships on projects that make the world a more sustainable place. We have developed the world’s first utility-scale offshore floating wind farm, off the Scottish coast, as well as Southeast Asia’s largest floating solar power plant. In Central America, our hybrid solar project is bringing reliable electricity to villages for the first time.

Masdar’s Africa platform, Infinity Power, is also developing the continent’s largest wind farm, a 10 GW mega-facility in Egypt.

Our scope is broad, geographically and technologically. We have invested in renewable energy innovations in areas including waste-to-energy, geothermal and battery storage.

With a goal of achieving 100 GW of renewable energy capacity and green hydrogen production of 1 million tonnes per year by 2030, Masdar will continue to drive the energy transition to change lives and livelihoods around the globe.

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